As he was teaching, he also said to them, “ Beware of
those teachers of the law, who enjoy walking around in the long robes and being
greeted in the market place; and who likes to occupy reserved seats in the
synagogues; and the first places of feasts.
They even devour the widow’s and the orphan’s good’s while making a show
of long prayers. How severe a sentence they will receive!”
Jesus sat down opposite the Temple treasury, and
watched the people dropping money into the treasury box; and man rich people
put in large offerings. But the poor widow also came and dropped in two small
Then, Jesus called his disciples, and said to them,
“Truly I say to you, the poor widow put in more than all those who gave
offerings. For all of them gave from their plenty; but she gave from her
poverty, and put in everything she had, her very living.”
Life looks forward nothing but investment. When one
dares into investment, he is not expecting less in return instead greater than
anybody doing the same kind of investment. There are the two kinds of
investment for life, the short range investment and the long range investment.
Short range investment for life is a kind of investment goaled only till this
temporal life. While the long range investment is a kind of investment that
impact life not only to this world alone but into another world after temporal
Life after temporal world seems hypothetical to those
who does not know and believe Jesus as the savior and the key figure of resurrection. If one do not believed
Jesus, their mentality would be the same as that of the mentality of the Sadducees who believe that life is all in this planet earth. Their
investment was limited only to the life on earth in accordance to their
traditions, practices, and beliefs.
My dear brothers and sisters, the real and most
meaningful investment of greater return is the long range investment. The very
nature of this investment is the teaching of the gospel, MARK 12:38-44, “Truly I say to you, the poor widow put in
more than all those who gave offerings. For all of them gave from their plenty;
but she gave from her poverty, and put in everything she had, her very living.”
Jesus teaches us to value less in this life and value more unto the life with
the Father.
Putting into donation boxes all for the promotion of
God’s kingdom and His people, is a long range investment. This is not only
about money resources but includes primarily our investment for our faith, for
our prayer, for our spiritual life. Jesus
reminded us to invest like the widow did in the Bible. That is giving from our
poverty not giving from our plenty. Truly God’s ways is not man’s ways for
usually, we only give from our plenty.
We might also come to think by how much we are to give?
The answer is “the widow put in everything she had, her very living.” By saying this, God is telling us to invest
our everything unto Him or at the very least give from
you until it hurts.
In conclusion, God requires Christians to invest in
faith, prayer, spiritual growth, and if possible giving
our all, or at the very least giving from our poverty until it really hurts.
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