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Sogod, Region VII, Philippines
Life is a matter of preparation. It is also a journey towards a greater end, to the Father in heaven.
Showing posts with label JOHN 14: 27-31a GOSPEL READING AND REFLECTION. Show all posts
Showing posts with label JOHN 14: 27-31a GOSPEL READING AND REFLECTION. Show all posts

Monday, May 11, 2020


MAY 12, 2020


JOHN 14: 27-31a

Peace be with you! My peace I give you; not as the world gives peace do I give it to you. Do not be troubled! Do not be afraid!
You heard me say,' I am going away, but I am coming to you.' If you love me, you would be glad that I go to the Father, for the Father is greater than I. I have told you this now before it takes place, so that when it does happen you may believe. There is very little left for me to tell you, for the prince of this world is at hand, although there is nothing in me that he can claim. But see, the world must know that I love the Father, and that I do what the Father has taught me to do. Come now, let us go.


Living forever in the world of peace is not possible. Famous Greek historian, Herodotus, said " change is the only permanent in this world." Things come and go with no promise of coming back as it goes. So with peace in this world. It will never be perfect day after day because the world itself is full of worries. It is the cancer cells of worldly human peace. 
No one can achieve real peace without overcoming himself of the worldly worries. One can only attain real peace within, if he completely surrender his whole self to God and to God alone he should commit  himself.