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Sogod, Region VII, Philippines
Life is a matter of preparation. It is also a journey towards a greater end, to the Father in heaven.

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Mark 12:1-12 GOSPEL READING AND REFLECTION (June 1, 2020)

Mark 12:1-12 GOSPEL READING AND REFLECTION (June 1, 2020)
Using parables, Jesus went on to say, “A man planted a vineyard, put a fence around it, dug a hole for the wine press and built a watch tower. Then he leased the vineyard to tenants and went abroad. In due time, he sent a servant to receive from the tenants the fruit of the vineyard. But they seized the servant, struck him and sent him back empty-handed. Again, the man sent another servant. They also struck them on the head and treated them shamefully. He sent another, and they killed him. In the same way they treated many others: some they beat up and others they killed. One was still left, his beloved son. And so, the last of all, he sent him to the tenants, for he said, ‘They will respect my son.  But those tenants said to one another,’ This is the one to inherit the vineyard. Let’s kill him and the property will be ours.’ So they seized him and killed him, and threw him out of the vineyard. Now, what will the owner of the vineyard do? He will destroy those tenants and give the vineyard to others.”And Jesus added, “Have you not read this text in the Scriptures: The stone which the builders rejected has become the keystone; this is the Lord’s doing, and they marvel at it?” They wanted to arrest him, but they were afraid of the crowd; so they left him and went away.
The world is a  wonderful and amazing creation of God jam-packed with abundance. In Genesis 1:28 “ And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply,  and replenish the earth, and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.”It is clear that God created man to dominate upon the earth. We are given the authority to take control of the things around us and return to God his share for the promotion of his kingdom in heaven.
This is about being the steward of God’s  gifts to all of us.  We came from nothing and we really are nothing without God who created us in his image and likeness. When someone  is totally hook into the world because of  owning success and taking so much pride of it, tendency is, he/she might forget that what he/she has is not actually  his/her  but owned by the Father. We come into this world with nothing and nothing we will bring when life come to its end.  
The parable of the vineyard, teach us not to forget that God owns everything in us including our position. There are times that God would ask us something in return of all the blessing we have enjoyed and consumed  in this life.  Thou shall not refuse or steal from God what is intended for Him for he might punish and take everything in favor of others who faithfully give their share to the Lord for the glory of his kingdom.
Many look at these things in the material perspective but do not forget that God has given us the three T’s –time, talent and treasure. Many would say “How could I give for I do not have much in this life? That thing is a third only of what God has given us. We still have time and talent which are the maker of treasure. If we cannot give material things, then I am sure we can share our time and talent if we want to. Brothers and sisters in Christ, we can share our time in  service to the Lord. We can use some of our time to proclaim his word. And if we are blessed with a good voice, we can sing to the Lord. If we can dance well, then go worship and dance to the lord. It is said that while God has given us a lot of everything including time and talent,  let be our way of honing these talents our gift to God. How we used it to further God’s kingdom is an  important share God really wants from us.  


The social pressure of Pandemic COVID 19 pose  a great challenge to  DepEd officials for the School Year 2020-2021. Their prime concerns are health safety and wellbeing of the learners, teachers and non-teaching personnel without compromising education of the Filipinos  even in this trying times.

Though the local government authorities had lifted up Enhance Community Quarantine into General Community Quarantine, the fact is COVID 19 curve is still raising causing parents, learners, and DepEd employees in state of reservation for their own safety. Their worries about the present situation is critical perhaps greater than that of the security measures plotted not to compromise education amidst the current crisis.

Regardless of one’s feelings and emotion brought about by the pressing situation, DepEd has laid down a concrete plan for the safety of all.  This plan includes the pre-opening of classes until the post ending of classes. But the crucial of all is the pre-opening of classes activities like in the conduct of enrollment  for SY 2020-2021 knowing the prevalence of COVID 19 victims in the nearby localities. But according to them, all of these should not hold back the flight of education hence Deped have this Learning Continuity Plan (LCP) for this school year.

DepEd has prepared the so called Modified Enrollment Process (MEP) to smartly get around the enrollment activities amidst COVID 19. The conduct would be in the Digital and/or in the physical platforms.  Digital platform is a platform that utilizes social media technology and equipment to conduct remote enrolment process. Physical platform is a platform that utilizes facilities and tools duly set-up in strategic locations by the Enrollment Focal Persons (EFP) with the assistance of the school’s stake holder in the conduct of enrollment. These two platforms do not come as the school head’s option but may be a combination depending on the actual situation and setting of the school relative to the location map of the learners.

There are two focus group of learner’s subject for the modified enrollment procedure. These are the Incoming learners   (IL) and Existing learners (EL). The Incoming learners includes the Grade 7 learners, the transferees and the Balik-aral learners who do not have any record yet in the school. This group of learners is referred to as un-enrolled and needs to accomplish the enrollment form and the survey form attached in DO. #7 S. 2020. They will be enrolled virtually through the available social media such as online enrollment, google forms, face book page, email, tele-enrollment, SMS messaging and telephone calls. In the event that virtual option is not possible due to resources limitation,  physical enrollment would be the last option under the guidance and facilitation of the Enrollment Focal Person (EFP) as assigned by the school head.  In contrary, Existing learners are those who were in the school for the previous school year with no academic issues and promoted to the next higher level. This group of learners is referred to as pre-enrolled learners which need to accomplish only the enrollment survey form virtually under the facilitation and management of the previous teacher advisers. The learners submission of the student survey forms will change their pre-enrolled status into officially enrolled status. Sourcing out of data in the survey form shall be done only in a remote way via social media platform or simple saying online procedure.

Part of the very important preparation prior to the enrolment period is the proper assignment of teachers according to the task they are to do during the enrolment period. A teacher could be Teacher led enrolment or an Enrolment Hotline Focal Person. Teacher- led were the previous adviser of the previous student who were promoted to the next higher level for they already have their records. These teachers are responsible to enroll their students in the LIS system and to contact them to source out information for their survey forms via social media. The Enrolment Hotline Focal Person are the non advisory teachers assign to entertain queries and  facilitate the Grade 7, transferee, and Balik aral enrollment.  

There are three stages of the so called modified enrollment process. These are the pre-data collection stage, data collection stage and data retrieval  stage. Pre data Collection is a stage in which the school head should designate the Teacher-led and the Enrolment Focal Person (EFP). Teacher led are the teacher advisers of the previous learners responsible for the enrolment of their students and source out information needed in the survey. This stage also includes the proper dissemination of the school enrollment procedure via social media and includes as will the participation of the stakeholders. It is also in this stage where enrollment advocacy mechanism should be highlighted. This includes the posting of Tarpaulins in a strategic location, Posting of enrollment information using the social media, flyers distribution and tapping of the school PTA official. The second is the data collection stage which includes the collection of data among teacher adviser for the previous year, through the Initiative of parents/ guardians, and through the established of digital and physical platforms. The third and the last stage is the Data collection stage which focuses on the analysis and evaluation of the data gathered.

In totality, the modified enrollment process of deped does not just cater continuous education in the way it use to be sometimes in the past but partially diverge into a research base adjustment founded on overwhelming evidences. This greatly depends on the accuracy of data collection implementation process to return almost exact data to the DepEd central office as bases for decision making relative to the fast changing situation that we are in. All has a great role to play during the three stage of this modified enrolment process.


On the evening of that day, the first day after the Sabbath, the door were locked where the disciples were because of their fear of the Jews. But Jesus came, and stood among them, and said to them, “Peace with you!” Then he showed them his hands and his side. The disciples, seeing the lord, were full of joy. Again Jesus said to them, “Peace be with you! As the Father sent me , so I send you.” After saying this, he breath on them. “ Receive the Holy Spirit! Those whose sins you forgive, they are forgiven; those whose sins you retain, they are retained.”


Today’s gospel is a perfect resemblance of the world under the threat of COVID 19. Almost all locked themselves in fear of their lives. This was of the same feeling of Jesus’ disciples when they locked themselves in fear of their lives against the Jews on the first day after Sabbath day. They were in great trouble because Jesus was not with them. They were eaten by their insecurities and worries because they have under estimated the power of God to take control. But Jesus took it all when he suddenly appeared in their midst and greeted “ Peace be with you!” and showed with them his hands and his side. There and then, all of them were full of joy.
In a situation of great fear and danger only Jesus can gave us fullness of joy. He alone can make us alive and courageous in the despair of this world.
In this time of crisis, the world seems to disappear from us. Many were kept in loneliness most specially if we lost sight unto Jesus. The period of quarantine is an opportune time for us Christians to find joy in Jesus. Lets make this isolation day a unification day unto Jesus so that when the new normal begins we will start it on fire by the breath of the Holy Spirit. This is so because Jesus send his disciples as the Father sent him as we are in this generation.

Sunday, May 17, 2020


MAY 18, 2020
JOHN 15: 26-164a

From the Father, will send you the Spirit of truth. When this Helper has come from the Father, he will be my witness, and you, too, will be my witness, for you have been with me from the beginning.

I tell you all this to keep you from stumbling and falling away. They will put you out of the synagogue. Still more, the hour is coming, when anyone who kills you will claim to be serving God; they will do this, because they have not known the Father or me. I tell you all these things now so that, when the time comes, you may remember that I told you about them. I did not tell you about this in the beginning, because I was with you.


Being in the cause of proclaiming the good news is never easy.  If Jesus was crucified, then would believers and torment of the Christian followers. But despite all this and across generations, Christian believers became stronger and stronger in their faith. Amidst persecution, steadfast with  the mighty Helper, the Holy Spirit.

Holy Spirit is the helper from the Father coming down on Jesus behalf  while He left for a while to prepare our rooms in the Father’s house in heaven.  There was never a single moment  in our lives that we are left unattended by the Father. He will not allow anyone of us go astray.

As early disciples and followers were  gone after and persecuted, we will also share the same fate with them but not  in a way like  before. Our own version of persecution and torment are our personal struggles of this life. The challenges, problems, failures and worries that we have are the new version of persecution. We need to be careful about this things for it will affect our being much more on our soul. But similar to what the early disciples had done, we will overcome them with the presence of the Holy Spirit in order to win the kingdom in heaven.

Saturday, May 16, 2020


MAY 17, 2020


JOHN 14:15-21

If you love me, you will keep my commandments; and I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper to be with you forever, the Spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he is with you, and I will be in you. I will not leave you orphans, I am coming to you. A little while and the world will see me no more, but you will see me,  because I live and you will also live. On that day you will know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you. Whoever keeps my commandments is the one who loves me, he will also be loved by my Father; I too shall love him and show my self clearly to him.


When Jesus conquers the world by His coming, His teaching about the Father conquered us from his  mouth to his disciples and to the Christian community. The  living witness of Jesus’ teachings,  character and values throughout the ages.

Before Jesus returning to the Father, He promise  his disciples that they will be doing amazing acts in his holy name with the Spirit. Through enough, things happen over and over again since the days of  Jesus until this date.  His disciples or followers did it without claiming any credit of their own but all for the credit in the name of Jesus through the Holy Spirit.

When we respond to God’s calling, we agree to work with Him. We become His executive secretary doing things according to His divine plan. No shadow of failure would come along the way because God controls everything for heaven sake.

Seemingly failure in our sight is not in the eyes of God. Understand that our sight is short falling within this world, but His sight cut across no border into heaven.

In times of self doubts and dilemma  invoke God’s presence and hold on to His good plan. Better bother ourselves understanding the ways of God rather than to keep worries arising from unexpected result. Doing this will bring us to another level of doing God’s works and face life’s challenge differently. Remember, things happen for good in the mighty name of Jesus.

Friday, May 15, 2020

DO # 7 S. 2020: LOOKING FORWARD SY 2020-2021

DO # 7 S. 2020: LOOKING FORWARD SY 2020-2021

  Summer break will end on May 31, 2020. Teachers are called back to report to their respective work station on June 1, 2020 to render their services for School Year 2020-2021. They are expected to attend orientation and training activities on the different delivery options appropriate for their school of assignment. They will also prepare instructional materials for their subject loads and plan organization of classes with due consideration to the learning modality they may wish to employ.

Teachers may report physically or virtually to their work stations depending on the risk severity grade of COVID 19 in their locality pursuant to the guidelines of the DOH, IATF or OP which then made clear by their immediate supervising officer.  Alternative work arrangement might be onsite or work from home upon instruction from the higher office    for health safety and well being. In case of work from home arrangement, the school head shall require the teacher to prepare a work week plan and determine thereof whether the planned activities every day and every week commensurate the teacher’s salary grade he/she is receiving.  Accomplishment reports are to be submitted at the end of the week together with the expected outputs.

Schools under the supervision of the region and division offices, shall decide the learning delivery modality deemed appropriate on their own context.  Should face-to-face modality be the only option? Then, teachers should organize their classes in 15-20 learners in compliance with the social distancing measures of the Department of Health.

In as much as classes begin on August 24, 2020 and will end on April 30, 2021. Holding of classes from Monday to Friday cannot suffice the required number of school days for SY 2020-2021. Hence, DepEd Secretary opted to authorize Saturday classes with legal bases from RA 7797, An Act Lengthening the School Calendar from Two Hundred (200)  Days  to not More Than Two Hundred Twenty (220) Class Days, to be able to have a total of 203 days for SY 2020-2021.  However, in cases of religious prohibition, teacher may report for work or engage in teaching activities on Sunday.
Enrollment for SY 2020-2021 will start on June 1, 2020 and will end on June 30, 2020. Students are to accomplish the enrollment and survey form which is intended to collect information from the learner. The instrument will be a good source of data that could help school heads and teachers to choose appropriate learning delivery model to adopt.

The conduct of curricular and co-corricular activities in a large gathering are not allowed. However, career guidance activities for the grade 9 and geade 10 learners could still be conducted in an appropriate modality in order to facilitate them to decide for themselves the right track to pursue in the Senior High School level.  Likewise, general assembly’s involving parents and other stakeholders are still encourage bearing in  mind the health safety and well being of the general public.

On the other hand, Brigada Eskwela always comes with the opening of classes. It is the National Schools Maintenance Week that aims to bring together all education stakeholders to participate and contribute their time, effort, and resources to prepare public school facilities for the opening of classes. Normally, parents come  and bring to school   their material donations for the school’s brigada activities.  The highlight of the previous year’s Brigada Eskwela implementation were, physical cleaning, painting and repainting and minor repair.

Brigada Eskwela 2020 could be different caused by  the new normal situation in DepEd. New needs surface in response to the learning delivery modalities that the school may opt to adopt. Hence, the theme “Pagpapanatili ng Bayanihan Tungo sa Kalidad na Edukasyon para sa Kabataan”. This serves as an urgent call to all stakeholders to take their share for the DepEd’s Learning Continuity Plan. They can partner schools of their preference for the following suggested activities: disinfection of schools, mobilization of essential items, conduct of psychological first aid sessions/psycho-social interventions, orientation activities with partners and PTA on DepEd’s  Learning Continuity Plan, distance learning, gulayan sa paaralan/tahanan, and other school base initiatives under the guidance of the school heads making the school ready for the opening of classes.

Truly, school activities are everybody’s concern. The preparedness of school on the first day of classes is dependent on everyone’s contribution towards a common goal. It creates an image of hope and inspiration among learners who wanted to figure out their dreams under the assistance and guidance of the classroom teacher.


MAY 16, 2020
    JOHN 15:18-21

If the world hates you, remember that the world hated me before you. This would not be so if you belonged to the world, because the world loves its own. But you are not of the world, since I have chosen you from the world; because of this the world hates you. Remember what I told you: the servant is not greater than the master; if they persecuted me, they will also persecute you. If they kept my word, they will keep yours as well. All this they will do to you on account of my name, because they do not know the One who sent me.


We all know that Jesus is our divine invitation. Living a life without Him is eternally useless. We cannot reach our final destination, in the Father’s house in heaven.

Since Jesus is the only way, we need to be like Him. Do not be surprise why you live a life in hatred, persecution and even crucifixion.  You have just claimed your share of Jesus’ divinity. There is no easy way towards eternity for the world does not conform eternity instead conforms itself to the influence of darkness.

Being none like them would mean like Jesus. Therefore, go, shout and celebrate because salvation is at hand.  Happy are those who are condemned for their works of mercy and salvation, for  theirs is the kingdom in heaven.

Thursday, May 14, 2020


MAY 15, 2020

JOHN 15:12-17

This is the commandment: love one another as I have loved you! There is no greater love than this, to give one’s life to one’ friends; and you are  my friends, if you do what I commanded you. I shall not call you servants any more, because servants do not know what their master is about. Instead, I have called you friends, since I have made you known to you everything I learned from my Father. You did not choose me; it was I who you and sent you to go and bear fruit,  fruit  that will last.And everything you ask the Father in my name, he will give you. This is my command, that you love one another.


The gospel of today taught us how to love our fellow Christians in the same way  He does. A kind of love that God has given us since creation. His love is so great as revealed  in the accounts of the old and new testaments.  The most bold revelation of God’s love  was the giving and the death of His beloved  son Jesus Christ for the atonement of our sins.

Truly God has proven His love on us. Jesus death on the cross has proven  His greatest love to the Father. Following Jesus in a child like character may somehow prove our love unto Jesus.

There exist  a “ love triangle.” The love of the Father to the people, the love of the people unto Jesus, and the love of Jesus to the Father. If an only if this love triangle relationship raise up and set in the same level so required by God, the same may become a portal for us unto heaven. This will become a way out of the torments of this life on earth.

When He told us “to love one another as I have loved  you.” God allowed us to raise up our loving self into the level of His and equally the same level as that of Jesus. God wanted us to have a contagious love all over the world. A love He describe as the greatest love of all, “ to give one’s life to one’s friends.” And as God called us His friends, we are encourage to give our life  in Him. Meaning, God wanted us to serve Him and His people in the duration of our lifetime.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020



The flagship program of the Department of Education in the height of COVID 19 is her Learning Continuity Plan (LCP). This is into the  single outlook of Sec. Leonor Briones, “Education must Continue.” Pushing  forward this transitional agenda is not easy for what we have now is one of a kind in a century. A working plan must be carefully prepared responsive to the variant needs across future situation adjustment. Hence, the possibility of conducting classes like the way teachers were is risky, delivery options are sought in response to the new needs of the new normal teaching.

There are five learning delivery options available for the school heads to choose from upon the recommendation of their teaching force. These are the following: blended learning, distance learning, homeschooling, apprenticeship and face-to- face.

Blended learning is a hybrid approach emerging from the traditional classroom teaching (Face-to-face), modular independent learning approach and the online teaching approach. 

The key implementation features of this learning program are: limit the face-to-face learning delivery, afford social distancing, and significantly reduce the volume of people outside the home at a given time.

Distance learning is a learning program appropriate for independent learners. This could be best achieved under the supervision of their parents or guardians in an educational platform.

The key implementing features of this learning program are: learning delivery is online through an educational platform, learning delivery through educational program on TV and radio, and delivery using the prepared modules.

Homeschooling  is a learning delivery program which provides learners with equal access to quality basic education at home to be facilitated by qualified parents, guardians, tutors who have undergone relevant training.

The key implementing features are: First, families can educate according to their personal faith, philosophy, and values.  Second, learning schedules may be  adjusted to fit family schedules and circumstances.

Apprenticeship is a learning program which provides Senior High School learners the  opportunities to actually immerse themselves  in the  workplace situations under the supervision of a certified practitioner.

The key implementing features are: Appropriate only to Senior High School students with their TVL specialization who could learn through work engagement. Senior High School learners that are ready for onsite learning under the supervision of the onsite and  teacher supervisor.

Face-to-face learning is the traditional learning  approach and environment that requires students and the teachers to be  both physically present in the classroom.

The key implementing features are: Opportunities for active engagement and participation, Immediate feedback, Socio-emotional development of learners.

The appropriateness of a learning delivery of a school would be dependent on the following: a) the profile of the learners as to their learning readiness (dependent or independent  learner) b) availability of  technology, c) availability of the required tools and equipment, d) availability of the printed modules, and e) the readiness of the teachers to manage these learning delivery options.

Responding in the new normal situation is not really easy. No one could claim preparedness. We are all caught by surprise. To hit a better adjustment for us to go onward is a challenge. This is not only a challenge to the authorities but to all of us. We need to endure and bravely sustain the birth pain of this new process until the whole system and structure will be in place.


MAY 14, 2020


JOHN 15 : 9-17

As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you. Remain in my love! You will remain in my love if you kept my commandments, just as I have  kept my Father's  commandments and remain in His love.  I have told you all this, that my own joy may in you, and your joy may be complete. This is my commandments: love one another as I have loved you! There is no greater love than this, to give one's life for one's friends;  and you are my friends,  if you do what I command you. I shall not call you servants anymore, because servants do not know what their master is about. Instead,  I have called you friends, since I have made known to you everything I learned from  my Father. You did not choose me; it was I who chose you and sent you to go and bear fruits, fruit that will last. And everything you ask the Father in my name, he will give you. This is my command, that you love one another.


The gospel taught us the nature of loving God. Love can be categorically classified as trans-dimensional love and dimensional love. Talking about trans-dimensional love is a love that cut across dimensions. On the other hand, dimensional love is a love within a dimension.

What do we mean by trans-dimensional love and dimensional love in a broader perspective? Trans-dimensional love is about our love that would allow us to relate seriously to the Father who is in heaven. It is a kind of love that start here and would last for eternity. While dimensional is a love  that would allow us to relate to the different people around us. It is a kind of love that would only last for a life time. Example: your family members, close relatives, friends, etc.

Loving God is trans-dimensional in nature. A love that grow within this blood and flesh by the grace of God, carefully nurtured according to the process and procedure laid out for us in accordance with the spoken words of Jesus. This is symbolically "a cross of loving God." A love compounded by a vertical  line stretch of ones responsibilities to the Father  and a horizontal line stretch of ones responsibilities to the surrounding community of believers and non-believers. If drawn, resembles the cross of Jesus in  overcoming the sins of the world.

Why called this as  cross of loving God? When we look at God, we look at it straight far above and beyond, hoping to cut across some day from this  earth into heaven, ultimate goal. This is what we called as the vertical cross line of loving God. This is unthinkably hard to figure out. But, doable for God had taught us how to do it in this gospel reading.

How? Start loving God by accepting Him through Jesus, know God as Jesus had spoken. Growing in knowledge about Him helps us  reconfigure our ways to love God to the fullest. Obey His commandments.

 Loving God is giving our all. Offering our whole self unto the Father. This is the vertical line of the cross of loving God. We need to love him above all, spending almost all of our time to honor and glorify Him (first commandment).

The horizontal  cross line of  loving God, is loving others as we do love ourselves, (second commandment). This is offering sacrificial services to our fellow brothers and sisters who are in dire needs. This is hard but tell you, when you achieve the feeling of joy and satisfaction, you are almost  on your way to the so called “trans-dimensional love” a kind of love that truly taps His majestic love on us. The reward  is an absolute joy as Jesus had said.

Finally, loving God can be achieved by living a life in the practical application of His two greatest commandments: Loving  God above all and Loving others as one loves himself.