MAY 10, 2020
PETER 2: 4-9
They stumble over it, in rejecting the word, but the plan of God is fulfilled in this. You are a chosen race, a community of priest-kings, a consecrated nation, a people God has made his own, to proclaim his wonders. For he called you, from your darkness, to his own wonderful light.
No one person doesn't have a community of his own. At birth, the community that embraces us with so much joy and love is our very own family. Husband and wife come unto Jesus as His intimate community. Remember, Jesus showed his first miracle at the wedding of Cana, though his time has not yet come, but out of love had done it through the intercession of Mother Mary. So that by nature, Jesus is the stronghold and cornerstone of the family.
Truly, no person exist outside a community. If he/she does, half dead living a life in misery. Life is difficult outside the love and care of the family. Family is our refuge and strength when life's going is not easy.
Our family though a blessing, may be our cross to carry. The burden it brings, may be our passport to heaven. Do not leave your cross instead carry it, you will understand better the kingdom of God every time you overcomes it.
Though family is the community focus of this discussion, does not mean exclusiveness. All Christian communities with high regard to brotherhood and sisterhood operate in similar way. Jesus is the only unifying figure. Their work serve us the conduit of God's love not only to the community members but also to their target beneficiary.
Expanding ones community circle, is like expanding horizontal part of our cross. The longer it become, proportionately extend our vertical cross in the same. Your service in the community glorifies the father.
Warning! Being in the community of Christ, does not exempt us from the trials of this life. Often, we resulted to prayer petitionbut you need to understand that prayer does not in a way takes you out from the perimeter of hardship. It is not a sure way out in the troubles of life. However, assures us of Christ's presence when the ways of life seems hard.
Lord remind me that the spiritual life and prayer are not meant to give an escape from life, but are meant to immerse me in life even more - but with the full knowledge and confidence that I do so with you by my side, leading, guiding and caring for me.
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